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Our Activities

Conferences and Meetings

Since 2018 PACD has held a large number of live and online events, attended by hundreds and incorporating public figures, interesting lecturers and parents of detained children. Most of the events we organised were in collaboration with other organizations operating in the field. The Israeli public was introduced to the phenomenon of child detention and heard about the harsh practices of the security forces and the emotional and psychological impact on the children, their families and the community around them.

Visits to Military Courts

The military court in Ofer is where a hearing in extending detentions and criminal hearings for Palestinian minors is held.

In order to understand the occupation in-depth and the usage of the legal system against minors, in a manner contrary to international conventions and the spirit of the Israeli Youth Law, it is essential that we bring the Israeli public to come and see the detained minors and their families, and listen in to the hearings that take place at Ofer.

Briefings for Diplomats and International Groups

In order to end the practice of child detention, we at “Parents Against Child Detention” are prepared to meet and engage with anyone who is willing to listen. In addition it is very important that the international community is updated on real time info and receives data and testimonies from civil society actors and not just from official government sources.

Street Activities

We in PACD aim to raise public awareness regarding the mass detention of Palestinian children in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, so street presence is of the utmost importance.

Street activities grant PACD direct discourse with the Israeli public, in such activities we invite the Israeli audience to listen, learn and also to debate us on the issues at stake.

Social Media Campaigns

PACD is active on various Social Media platforms, we invest considerable thought and resources so to reach thousands, and to create a safe place to hold authentic and accessible political discourse regarding the issue of child detention.

Activities in the Israeli Parliament

Working with MKs, ministers and those in decision-making positions is necessary in order to change reality and policy. In December 2021 we organised the first ever special debate on Palestinian child detention in the Knesset to mark Children’s Rights Day, which was attended by lawmakers from both the government coalition and the opposition

Media Coverage

Read all about PACD in various News outlets in ENGLISH and in HEBREW


Read here official reports, with carefully collated statistics and data